Here Is to Vendor Lock-in

Vendor lock-in is a good thing. Here is why.

‘Vendor lock-in’ has somehow become a dirty phrase in software development. Yet, it is actually a good thing. What vendor lock-in really means is that you have found a company, a vendor, that solves your critical problem so good that you want to stay with them. Look at critical problems that have been solved for you – moving around (your car), storing food safely (your fridge), cooking food (your kitchen), roof under your head (your house), access to information (your computer and internet).

Same with software that you use at home and in our projects. There are companies, the vendors, behind the product you use and you know their names and you stay with them for long, locked in, because you like them. You get your problem solved and the companies get your money that they use to further develop the products you use and to feed the people that do it. Everyone is happy and that’s how it should be.

Vendor lock-in is a good thing because these are the vendors you want to stay with.


Slava Imeshev

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